Mental Health America (MHA) conducted a survey with Qualtrics to explore similarities and differences in answers to our Work Health Survey questions across two different populations - people seeking resources on Screening 2 Supports and a general…
Through this project, the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality (GCPI) and Mental Health America (MHA) explored cross-sector and -systems approaches to addressing the relationship between behavioral health and economic disadvantage for the lowest…
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning (LGBTQ) and other sexual minority and gender diverse populations face unique challenges from their non-LGBTQ counterparts. Most LGBTQ individuals are incredibly resilient and will thrive in the…
The 2019 Workplace Health Survey measured the attitudes and perceptions of nearly 10,000 employees in the US. Survey questions were designed to explore topics of supervisor communication, company culture, and employee engagement and wellbeing. Survey…
Value-based payment initiatives, such as the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), offer the possibility of using financial incentives to drive improvements in mental health and substance use outcomes. In the past 2 years, Accountable Care…
This paper explores the incentive misalignment that arises from current APM design; outlines an approach to building on APMs using a construct of “Net Present Value of Care” (NPVoC) to share both past-year savings and the future-years savings predicted…